Imjin Parkway Widening & Roundabout Project
The Imjin Parkway Widening Project is 1.7 miles of roadway including 4 roundabouts and will be the first regional Measure X roadway project to be built.
Imjin Parkway Widening & Roundabout Project Simulation
Check out the video to see a simulation of the new roadway and roundabouts in the Imjin Parkway Widening & Roundabout Project.
About the Project
Project Updates
Why Roundabouts?
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Current Traffic Flow Configuration
Last Updated 02/25/25
Placement of the concrete barriers is now complete and traffic lanes have been shifted so that we can perform our Phase 1 construction activities. It is anticipated that we will shift to Phase 2 at the end of February 2025.
Please be aware that there is still only one lane for travel in each direction between Imjin Road and Reservation Road and the speed limit is 25 mph. Please also note the following information:
Preston Drive – access to has been restored for right turn in and out movements.
Abrams Drive – access to Abrams Drive remains open.
Marina Heights Drive – closed to all traffic at Imjin Parkway.
Imjin Road – closed to all traffic.
Truck Detour Exhibit
Beginning 11/22, a truck detour for Imjin Parkway will be implemented. No trucks over 45’ will be permitted on Imjin Parkway between Reservation Road and Abrams Drive.
Phase 2 Traffic Flows
Beginning the morning of 2/28/2025, traffic will be shifted to the north roadbed so that the contractor can begin work on Phase 2 (south roadbed) of the project.
Please check back for updates or sign up for email notifications for the most up-to-date information.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Below are a few of our most popular frequently asked questions. You can view all of our FAQs here.
What is the Imjin Parkway and Roundabout Project?
The Project is a road safety and widening construction project along a segment of an important connector route between the Monterey Peninsula and the greater Salinas Valley. The segment is located on the former Fort Ord military base (between the cities of Marina and Seaside on the Monterey Peninsula) between State Highway 1 and Reservation Road.
Construction will complete widening of Imjin Parkway by adding a lane in each direction between Imjin Road (near California Avenue) and Reservation Road; replacing four (4) signalized intersections with roundabouts near existing neighborhood areas; creating pedestrian crossings at intersections for safer access to and from the surrounding neighborhoods and educational areas; adding bike lanes along each side of the roadway for the length of the roadway extension; and installing lighting and landscaping.
When will construction begin and how long will it last?
Due to the number of agencies providing approvals for environmental protections and various utility companies involved, the Imjin Parkway Widening and Roundabout road safety project is now anticipated to begin construction activity in December 18, 2023. Unfortunately, weather has delayed the start of construction activities and the start date has been moved to 2/12/2024. Full completion of construction is expected to take approximately two years.
Who uses Imjin Parkway?
Imjin Parkway is a major regional corridor connecting Highway 1 on the Monterey Peninsula to the Salinas Valley. Along with Peninsula commuters, other corridor users are adjacent neighborhood residents, California State University-Monterey Bay (CSUMB) and Monterey Peninsula College (MPC) students and staff, workers in area businesses and facilities, and public transit/buses.
Can people still use Imjin Parkway during construction?
Yes! One lane of traffic in each direction will remain open within the construction area during the entire construction period (barring any unforeseen and temporary circumstances). Concrete barrier rail will be installed to provide a safe separation between motorists and active work areas. Additionally, there be periods when traffic will be detoured. Advanced notice of detours will be posted on the City’s website, this website, and notices will be distributed to local residents, businesses, agencies, and media. All detours will be clearly signed and properly maintained to provide safe passage for vehicles, pedestrians, and workers.
As with any road construction, please expect traffic movement to be slower than usual and there may be temporary traffic delays from time to time.